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Meet Our Alumnae

The Gwynedd Sisterhood建立在凯瑟琳·麦考利的遗产和仁慈的价值观之上,是独一无二的. Educated, inspired, 被赋予权力的女性可以进入一个令人难以置信的格温内德社区,以及一个由Mercy校友组成的全球网络,这些校友保持活跃,并参与到当前学生和校友的生活中. 

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Kelley Malott DeConciliis '99

Special Aerospace Security Services, Inc .首席运营官.

"A school that celebrates strong, smart, 全面发展的女学生塑造了我这个人, businesswoman, mother, wife, and advocate."


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Katelynn Sundheim '12


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Simone Brooks '13

Fashion Coordinator, Vogue Magazine

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Meghan Bishop , MD '03


“格温内斯塑造了我这个人,教会我相信自己, be accepting of all people, 通过努力工作和专注,你可以真正有所作为."

Erica Weiler-Timmins, PhD, ABPP '89



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Kate Daniels Imbesi, Esq. '92 



“我认为我在格温内斯接受的教育是我父母给我的最好的礼物. While at GMAHS, my love of music, theater, and tennis lead me to Glee Club, Chorale, performing in the musicals and plays, and playing on the tennis team. 慈悲修女会和老师们灌输了对上帝的爱和帮助有需要的人的热情, 我建立了忠诚的友谊,这种友谊一直持续到今天. 能够把我的女儿们送到这所学校继续传承慈悲的遗产是我一生中最大的礼物之一. I have no doubt the education, inspiration, love of God, 他们在格温内斯获得的权力将会代代相传.”

Alison McGrorty-Crotts, MD, MPH '04


"Catherine McAuley knew the importance of educating women and the strength they possessed to make great change in this world; I plan to make those great changes."

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Sheila Nolan, MD '90

玛丽亚·费里儿童医院儿科传染病主任和威彻斯特县波士顿儿童健康医生, NY


“我一直非常重视我在格温内斯怜悯学院的教育,觉得它给了我一个非常强大的基础来建立我的职业生涯. At Gwynedd, 我们被教导要永远努力成为最好的自己,并鼓励我们在同情和仁慈的背景下追随自己的激情. 我很感谢我的父母认识到GMA将提供特殊的教育经验.”

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Dera Lee '97

Founder & CEO, Dera Lee Productions

Kathleen Roeder, MD '60 



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Lt. Col. Diana DiToro, DPT, USMCR '97


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Paige Albor, M.S. CCC-SLP '12



“帮助别人的热情是在格温内德灌输给我的. 这帮助我准备成为一名语言病理学家."

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Joely Esposito, Psy.D. '88


Kristin Kane Ford '00

Kane Partners, LLC的合伙人和营销总监.

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Katherin Sibel '11 

Community Planning & 联邦应急管理局能力建设专家,哥伦比亚大学城市规划硕士研究生

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Maisha Palmer Kelly '95




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Nicole Lovecchio '97

Chief SEL Officer at Wings for Kids

“我在GMA的经历让我相信我可以有所作为. 我发展了我在职业生涯中非常依赖的技能——沟通, problem-solving, critical thinking, creativity, and empathy to name a few."


Allison Zaucha '10



“在GMA,我发展了自己的声音, determination, 还有对自己和工作的信心. I credit the friendships I made, 我有一些很棒的老师,他们让我突破界限,探索机会. 以及通过旅行看世界的机会.”

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Jenna Gelenberg '11

Casting Agent for Television & Film

Anna Skoien Lall '02

Service-Learning Coordinator at GMAHS

“我很感激格温内斯从我进门的那一刻起就相信我, empowering me to find my voice, 并鼓励我践行仁爱的核心价值观."

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Mackenzie Dougherty Driscoll '04



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Christina Mastropaolo, PhD '07


“我无法想象如果没有这些训练,我会变成什么样, sense of belonging, 以及GMA体育带给我的爱和接纳."